What Is Considered In The Cost Of Assisted Living In Long Island}

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What Is Considered in the Cost of Assisted Living in Long Island
Nora Fatehi
It’s bad enough when you must think about placing your loved one into an assisted living facility. It’s even worse when you worry about the cost. There is much that goes into taking care of someone who is losing or has lost the ability to care for him or herself, and it might help to lessen your despair if you understand everything that goes into the cost of assisted living in Long Island.
Levels of Care
Many facilities breakdown their services into levels of care. This is because one patient might be more self-sufficient than another, so he or she requires less hands-on attention. For example, a facility might break down its assisted living costs in Long Island into four levels, i.e. care levels 1, 1A, 2 and 3. Where your loved one currently fits within these levels will determine the monthly fees, which will be adjusted as the levels of care change.
Elements of Care
Alongside the levels of care, elements are also a part of the cost of assisted living in Long Island. Normal elements that are taken into consideration include bathing, dressing, eating, medication, mobility, personal grooming and toileting. As a person digresses, he or she becomes unable to do one or all of these things for him or herself, meaning a nurse or orderly is required to help with some or all of the above. This is particularly important with toileting, as nothing is more humiliating than being soiled.
Level 1
Assume for a moment that your parent or spouse doesn’t require too much assistance at this time. This might mean that he or she is only required to pay Level 1 assisted living costs in Long Island. In this case, a simple reminder that its time to bathe and assisting the elderly in and out of the shower is all that’s needed. He or she may also be able to dress alone, but may require help with shaving. Medication will be administered when necessary and diet will consist of recommended foods.
Level 3
The flipside to this is Level 3, and this is when your loved one has become incapacitated completely. Cost of assisted living in Long Island might be more expensive for this intensive care, but it’s worth it in the end, because your parent or spouse will not want for anything. He or she is bathed, dressed, groomed, fed, taken places in a wheelchair or other mobility device and monitored extensively for proper medication, hygiene and weight management.
Assisted living costs in Long Island can be overwhelming, but when someone you love can longer care for him or herself, the dignity it brings him or her and the peace of mind it brings you are well worth the expense. You can rest assured knowing that your loved one’s needs are being met by professionals who understand what it takes to ensure optimal health and safety. Your parent or spouse will feel more secure and better about him or herself when bathed, dressed and made to feel as if he or she is all that matters.
Stacy Toolson is a writer that simply loves words. She can spend hours discussing ‘their’ vs ‘there’, and the placement of an Oxford comma. She first started writing when she went online to find something about her labradoodle, and couldn’t find anything. Since then, she’s written on apps, electronics, marketing, schooling, pets, and more. For more details and information visit at:
Assisted Living Costs in Long Island
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